Trapped in the web of doubt & uncertainty on how to get your haircut in Baton Rouge?
Your time cemented between the rock of work and the hard place of responsibility, & there's no way to commit to making a appointment for a certain time on a specific day?
We hate your constant state of doubt and difficulty..., so now the curtain is rolled back revealing barber industry classified secrtets on getting your haircut by the 'barber near me' without appointment or scheduling.
Visit Barber During Off-Peak Hours
We know what you thinking ( we can read minds ) , "What on earth is off-peak?" Well, that simply means times that less people are using a service or visiting a place. When the demand for something is low. Do this with the barber shop. Seek haircuts on weekdays, mornings, & early afternoons. These times usually have more availability.
Have 2 Barbers
All teams alternate two elite players. You should also. Having one to step in keep you in the game.
Get In Line Before You Come
Your're so busy. When the opputunity comes you must rely on flexibility that can revolve around your schedule. Now here's
where we can help. CatchYaCut BarberShop has a valuable system that has been effective for a large part of the population in Baton Rouge.
It allows you to see how many are waiting before you come & you get a convenient text BEFORE your turn.
